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Psvane 12AT7-T MKII

Chinese Psvane 12AT7-T MKII.
12AT7 is double triode small size novel tube,it is used as voltage magnification in amplifying circuit and inverter drive push-pull amplifier.
12AT7 is similar to ECC82 and 6201 and can be used interchangeably.

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Psvane 12AT7-T MKII

Psvane 12AT7-T MKII

Psvane 12AT7-T MKII

Psvane 12AT7-T MKII

Psvane 12AT7-T MKII

Psvane 12AT7-T MKII

12AT7-TII is double triode small size novel tube,it is used as voltage magnification in amplifying circuit and inverter drive push-pull amplifier.
Uf———————6.3(并) 12.6(串) V
If—————————-0.30 0.15 A
Direct Interelectrode Capacitances
grid to grid———-0.005 PF
plate to plate——————-0.4 PF
grid to plate(single triode) ——-1.5 PF
grid to cathode and filament(single triode)——2.2 PF
plate to cathode and filament(single triode)——0.5 PF
filament to cathode(single triode) ———–2.4 PF
palte to cathode(single triode)———–0.2 PF
cathode to filament and grid(single triode) —–4.6 PF
plate to filament and grid(single triode)——1.8 PF
static parameter
Ua——————–100 250 V
Ia———————3.7 10 mA
Gm——————–4 5.5 mA/V
Rk———————270 200 Ω
u———————-60 60
ri(approx)—————15 10.9 KΩ
Ug(approx)————–—5 —12 V
(when la=10Ua)

class A1.maximum.single triode.
Ua—————–300 V
Pa——— 2.5 W
Ug—————-—50 V
Uh-k(pk)——–±90 V
with cathode bias ————–1 MΩ
with fixed bias ———-0.25 MΩ